MaterialMe is a Material Design Admin Template is the excellent responsive google material design inspired multipurpose admin template.
MaterialMe has a huge collection of material design animation & widgets, UI Elements, jQuery plugins and works seamlessly on all major web browsers, tablets and phones. User friendly and intuitive to use.
- Ultra responsive grid
- Typography
- Material Design Icon Fonts
- Material Design Color Palette
- Flat & Raised Buttons
- Badges
- Material Design Cards
- Collections
- Accordions
- Navigation Bar
- Pagination
- Preloader
- Model Popup
- Tost Notification
- Tooltip
- Material Design Widgets
- Supports large tables (dynamically loads data)
- Responsive tables
- Material Design Form Style
- Inline editable elements
- Validation options
- Multi file upload
- Custom Radio, Checkbox, FileUpload
- Custom slider
- Datepicker
- Range Selector
- Input Character Counter
- Login Page
- Register Page
- Lock Screen Page
- Forgot Password Page
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank Page
- ChartJS
- Chartist
- Morris Chart
- ndv3 Charts
- Sparkline Chart
- Range Slider
- SweetAlert
- Syntax Highlight
- CSS Animations
- Page Slider
- Web Text Editor
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