Latest version: Draven 1.2.7
Compatible with WordPress 5.9.2, WooCommerce 6.3.2, Elementor 3.5.6
Draven – Multipurpose Creative Theme
Draven is a creative drag & drop theme created and designed with love for passionate web lovers. The key features of Draven are the front-end builders, so you have the Elementor as page builder and live Customizer as the theme options, both of them are flawless and work in an amazing way. Unique design and powerful options offers hundred of creative elements to choose from. The goal was to design something that offers all the possible features you need to create your amazing website without having to add extra customization, the demo can be imported easily in only one click, it won’t take more than two minutes to be ready for use. The theme is a very user-friendly platform and is suitable for creative Professionals, Photographers, Designers, eCommerce Stores, Freelancers, Architects, Bloggers and much more on in fewer words it’s Multipurpose WordPress Theme.
Draven supports popular WooCommerce Elementor Builder + Addon Plugins
Check this plugin on
More than 15000 online stores are using this plugin.
Key Features
Elementor – Elementor is a frontend page builder that will win you over as your favorite page builder because of three reasons: how easy it is to use, how fast it works and the fact that you can reach a higher level of design than other page builders. This higher level of design is reached because you get a wide variety of widgets, effects and templates to choose from, right on the free page builder.
Elementor works on the frontend, so everything you design, whether it’s a carousel, image or video widget, is done while you see the actual result, so you don’t need to switch between the front and back end. With Elementor, you also get flexible control over the entire layout of the page, so you can design the entire page without a single line of code.
Header & Footer Builder – You can create header layouts that you want easily and use them for different purposes
Amazing Portfolio – Are you interested to make your portfolio look cooler. Showcasing your portfolio never was easier, combine easily hundred of options created by powerful theme panel and the best page builder elementor, you’ll be able to choose between three different layouts, grid, metro or carousel, each one has their own amazing options.
70+ Elements – Amazing elements ready for use in the front-end page builder Elementor, everything drag & drop.
Ajax Cart – Ajax Cart allow customers to view and manage contents in cart easily. Customers can continue shopping without reloading page. Items in the cart can be managed easily from the Mini cart. It also sync with the cart page using Ajax.
Fully Responsive – See and Work with responsive layout instantly within page builder.
Template Library – Save your page designs as templates, and reuse them on other pages. This can really speed up your workflow. You can export any template, and import it for use in other websites. This lets you share your templates with other designers.
One Click Demo Importer – A very handy feature which is added to the theme, you can import any of the demos of live preview in only one click, it won’t take more than a minute to set up. You’ll enjoy adding your content and playing with design, rather than creating everything from scratch.
No coding knowledge required – There are options for almost everything, no extra knowledge is needed to build the website of your dreams.
Revolution Slider – Slider Revolution (Revolution Slider) is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Image or Video Scene for best conversion rates or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! Desktop or mobile device! It’s included for free, you’ll save 26$.
Auto Updates – Compatible with the Envato Market Plugin, the theme can be updated easily with only one click via the dashboard menu.
Advanced Typography Options
Amazing Speed
Clean Design
Creative Blog
Powerful Shop
Parallax Effects
Fast and Reliable Support
Visual Editor
Translate Ready
Mega Menu
Unlimited Google Maps Styles
Professional Documentation
Extended Features
- Elementor Ready
- Header & Footer Builder
- Live Customizer
- Revolution Slider Included
- WPML Ready
- One Click Demo Importer
- Fully Responsive
- Mega Menu
- Translation Ready
- Retina Ready
- Sticky Menu
- WooCommerce Compatible
- Product Wishlist integration
- Product Comparison integration
- Visual Attributes integration
- Additional Widgets to filter by WooCommerce Attributes.
- Ajax Shop
- Product Image 360
- Custom Product Label
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Color Swatch Gallery Images
- WooCommerce Product Images Swatch
- WooCommerce Product Video Thumbnail
- Product List Color Attribute Filter
- Quick View Product
- Ajax Mini Cart
- Visual Editor
- Ajax load more
- Child Theme Included
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Advanced Typography Options
- Portfolio Metro
- Blog Metro
- Shop Metro
- Isotope filers
- Packery Layout
- Valid HTML5/CSS3
- Font Awesome
- Multiple Map Markers
- Social Networks integration
- Portfolio Carousel
- Blog Carousel
- Shop Carousel
- Social Media Share
- SEO Optimized
- Unlimited Colors
- Maintenance Mode
- Import/Export the options
- Coming Soon Mode
- Testimonials Element
- Icon Box Element
- Image Box Element
- Attachment Page
- Split Screen Page
- Social Media Element
- Lightbox for images
- Advanced Search Page
- Gutenberg Ready
- Custom 404 Page
- Powerful Video Element
- Basic Dividers
- Advanced List Styles
- Unlimited Colors
- Shape Dividers
- Gradient Colors
- Accordion Element
- Toggle Element
- Advanced Grid System
- Powerful Portfolio Item
- Counter Element
- Progress Bar Element
- Smooth Scroll
- Tested with theme check
- Customizable Categories
- Masonry Images
- Incredible load time
- Team Members Grid
- Team Members Carousel
- Team Members Metro
- 1000+ Icons
- Sidebar Widgets
- Contact Form 7
- Developer Friendly
- Commented Code
- Highly Customizable
- Custom Sidebars
- Image Sizes
- Lifetime updates
- Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion supported
- Made With Debug Mode On
- Professional Online Documentation
- Demo Files Included (XML)
- WordPress 3.9+ Ready
- Supports JetPack plugin
- Supports Yoast SEO plugin
- Excellent Customer Support
Supported Plugins
- WooCommerce
- JetPack
- Contact Form 7
- Polylang
- Loco Translate
- Revolution Slider
- Yoast SEO
- Mailchimp
- W3 Total Cache
- Ninja Forms
- WP Super Cache
- VC Vendors, Dokan Compatible
- And many more…
The images from live preview are not included in the package.
Server Requirements
- PHP Version: 5.6 or greater
- MySQL Version: 5.6 or greater
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
- upload_max_filesize = 32M
- memory_limit = 256M
------------ Version 1.2.7 [March 14, 2022] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.3.1
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.5.6
* Compatibility with PHP 8
^ Added Pagespeed plugin
------------ Version 1.2.6 [January 15, 2022] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.3
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.0
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.5.3
------------ Version 1.2.5 [August 20, 2021] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.4.1
------------ Version 1.2.4 [May 05, 2021] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.2
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.2.3
File changes
------------ Version 1.2.3 [January 28, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.6
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.2
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.1.0
^ Update version 1.0.8 of LaStudio Elements
^ Update version 6.3.6 of Revolution Slider
# Fixed portfolio performance
File changes
------------ Version 1.2.1 [November 07, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.6.2
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.0.13
^ Update version 1.0.6 of LaStudio Elements
^ Update version 1.0.5 of LaStudio Header Builder
File changes
------------ Version 1.2.0 [August 20, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with Elementor 3.0.1
^ Update version 2.0.9 of LaStudio Core
^ Update version 1.0.5 of LaStudio Elements
^ Update version 1.0.4 of LaStudio Header Builder
------------ Version 1.1.9 [August 20, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1
^ Update version 2.0.8 of LaStudio Core
^ Update version 6.2.21 of Revolution Slider
------------ Version 1.1.8 [August 13, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.2
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.14
^ Update version 6.2.18 of Revolution Slider
^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder
^ Update version of LA-Studio Core
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.7 [June 08, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2.0
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.11
^ Update version 6.2.10 of Revolution Slider
^ Update version 1.0.4 of LaStudio Elements
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.6 [May 25, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.1
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.9
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements
^ Update version 2.0.7 of LaStudio Core
^ Update version 6.2.9 of Revolution Slider
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.5 [Feb 19, 2020] ------------
# Fixed issue about home 08
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.4 [Feb 18, 2020] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.2
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.2
^ Update version 1.0.3 of LaStudio Elements
^ Update version 2.0.6 of LaStudio Core
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.3 [November 18, 2019] ------------
# Fixed issue displaying description of product category
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.2 [November 15, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.3
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.7.5
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.1 [August 15, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.8
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7
^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.9
# Fixed media upload wrong folder
File changes
------------ Version 1.1.0 [July 18, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.2
^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.5
^ Update version of LA-Studio Core 2.0.4
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor
^ Added the option to check the latest version of the required plugins
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.9 [July 13, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.5
* Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.1
^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.2
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor
^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder
^ Added global settings to hide page title & breadcrumbs
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.8 [June 16, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.1
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.4
* Compatibility with Elementor Pro 2.5.9
^ Update language file
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor plugin
File changes
List of deleted files
------------ Version 1.0.7 [April 19, 2019] ------------
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.1
# Fixed shop label of breadcrumb does not work with WPML
# Fixed demo imported problem
^ Update version of LA-Studio Core, Draven Package Demo Data plugins
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.6 [March 09, 2019] -----------
* Fix: Tags & Category does not display on the product widget
* Tweak: Change the default value of tab widget to `editor`
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.3
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.5 [March 05, 2019] -----------
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.2
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.4 [March 05, 2019] -----------
* Compatibility with WordPress 5.1
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.5
* Compatibility with PHP 7.3
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.1
^ Update version of Slider Revolution, LaStudio Core, LA-Studio Header Builder plugins
^ Speed up the website loading
^ Added widget management options for Elementor ( See more on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Elementor Available Widgets
# Fixed LaStudio Video widget does not work on front-end
# Fixed Compare functions
# Fixed problem can't save the Custom CSS/Javascript sections
File changes
------------ Version 1.0.3 [January 24, 2019] -----------
^ Added 03 demo pages
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor
^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder
^ Update version of Demo Import Data
------------ Version 1.0.2 [January 22, 2019] ------------
^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.4.3
^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder
==> # Fixed HTML error duplicated ID
==> # Fixed Cart icon can't be clicked on mobile
==> # Fixed Login element
==> # Fixed header vertical style
File changes
------------ Version 1.0 Release [Jan 04, 2019] ------------
* Release
Initial release
- PHP Version: 5.6 or greater
- MySQL Version: 5.6 or greater
- The mod_rewrite Apache module
- upload_max_filesize = 32M
- memory_limit = 256M
------------ Version 1.2.7 [March 14, 2022] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.3.1 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.5.6 * Compatibility with PHP 8 ^ Added Pagespeed plugin ------------ Version 1.2.6 [January 15, 2022] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.3 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.0 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.5.3 ------------ Version 1.2.5 [August 20, 2021] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.4.1 ------------ Version 1.2.4 [May 05, 2021] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.2 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.2.3 File changes draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/header.php ------------ Version 1.2.3 [January 28, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.6 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.9.2 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.1.0 ^ Update version 1.0.8 of LaStudio Elements ^ Update version 6.3.6 of Revolution Slider # Fixed portfolio performance File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php ------------ Version 1.2.1 [November 07, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.6.2 * Compatibility with Elementor 3.0.13 ^ Update version 1.0.6 of LaStudio Elements ^ Update version 1.0.5 of LaStudio Header Builder File changes draven/style.css draven/assets/js/min/app.js draven/assets/js/app.js draven/framework/functions/update.php draven/framework/classes/class-woocommerce.php ------------ Version 1.2.0 [August 20, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with Elementor 3.0.1 ^ Update version 2.0.9 of LaStudio Core ^ Update version 1.0.5 of LaStudio Elements ^ Update version 1.0.4 of LaStudio Header Builder ------------ Version 1.1.9 [August 20, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.4.1 ^ Update version 2.0.8 of LaStudio Core ^ Update version 6.2.21 of Revolution Slider ------------ Version 1.1.8 [August 13, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.5 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.3.2 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.14 ^ Update version 6.2.18 of Revolution Slider ^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder ^ Update version of LA-Studio Core File changes draven/style.css draven/framework/functions/extra-functions.php draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/assets/js/min/app.js draven/assets/js/app.js ------------ Version 1.1.7 [June 08, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.2.0 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.11 ^ Update version 6.2.10 of Revolution Slider ^ Update version 1.0.4 of LaStudio Elements File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/framework/classes/class-init.php ------------ Version 1.1.6 [May 25, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.4.1 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.1 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.9 ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements ^ Update version 2.0.7 of LaStudio Core ^ Update version 6.2.9 of Revolution Slider File changes draven/style.css draven/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php draven/framework/functions/update.php draven/wpml-config.xml draven/framework/classes/megamenu/class-megamenu-init.php draven/assets/js/min/app.js draven/assets/js/app.js draven/framework/classes/class-scripts.php draven/framework/configs/options/additional_code.php ------------ Version 1.1.5 [Feb 19, 2020] ------------ # Fixed issue about home 08 ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php ------------ Version 1.1.4 [Feb 18, 2020] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.2 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.9.2 ^ Update version 1.0.3 of LaStudio Elements ^ Update version 2.0.6 of LaStudio Core File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/woocommerce/single-product/related.php ------------ Version 1.1.3 [November 18, 2019] ------------ # Fixed issue displaying description of product category File changes draven/woocommerce/archive-product.php draven/assets/js/app.js draven/assets/js/min/app.js ------------ Version 1.1.2 [November 15, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.3 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.7.5 File changes draven/style.css draven/framework/classes/class-scripts.php draven/assets/js/app.js draven/assets/js/min/app.js draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php ------------ Version 1.1.1 [August 15, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.8 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7 ^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.9 # Fixed media upload wrong folder File changes draven/style.css draven/framework/classes/class-options.php draven/plugins/plugins.php ------------ Version 1.1.0 [July 18, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.2 ^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.5 ^ Update version of LA-Studio Core 2.0.4 ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor ^ Added the option to check the latest version of the required plugins File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ ------------ Version 1.0.9 [July 13, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.2 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.5 * Compatibility with Elementor 2.6.1 ^ Update version of Slider Revolution 6.0.2 ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor ^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder ^ Added global settings to hide page title & breadcrumbs File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/framework/configs/options/woocommerce.php draven/framework/configs/options/page_title_bar.php draven/framework/functions/extra-functions.php ------------ Version 1.0.8 [June 16, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WordPress 5.2.1 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.4 * Compatibility with Elementor Pro 2.5.9 ^ Update language file ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor plugin File changes draven/framework/classes/class-breadcrumbs.php draven/framework/classes/class-layout.php draven/framework/functions/update.php draven/templates/singular/layout.php draven/templates/singular/layout-page.php draven/templates/singular/layout-post.php draven/templates/elementor/library/layout.php draven/archive-la-portfolio.php draven/footer.php draven/header.php draven/index.php draven/page.php draven/singular.php draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ draven/languages/draven.pot List of deleted files draven/single.php draven/single-la-team-member.php ------------ Version 1.0.7 [April 19, 2019] ------------ * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.1 # Fixed shop label of breadcrumb does not work with WPML # Fixed demo imported problem ^ Update version of LA-Studio Core, Draven Package Demo Data plugins File changes draven/style.css draven/framework/classes/class-breadcrumbs.php draven/woocommerce/content-product.php draven/woocommerce/content-single-product.php draven/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php draven/woocommerce/loop/orderby.php draven/woocommerce/content-product-list-mini.php draven/woocommerce/single-quickview.php draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ ------------ Version 1.0.6 [March 09, 2019] ----------- * Fix: Tags & Category does not display on the product widget * Tweak: Change the default value of tab widget to `editor` ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.3 File changes draven/style.css draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ ------------ Version 1.0.5 [March 05, 2019] ----------- ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.2 File changes draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ draven/style.css ------------ Version 1.0.4 [March 05, 2019] ----------- * Compatibility with WordPress 5.1 * Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.5 * Compatibility with PHP 7.3 ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.5.1 ^ Update version of Slider Revolution, LaStudio Core, LA-Studio Header Builder plugins ^ Speed up the website loading ^ Added widget management options for Elementor ( See more on Appearance -> Theme Options -> Elementor Available Widgets # Fixed LaStudio Video widget does not work on front-end # Fixed Compare functions # Fixed problem can't save the Custom CSS/Javascript sections File changes draven/templates/la_compare.php draven/lastudio-elements/lastudio-team-member/global/loop-item.php draven/lastudio-elements/lastudio-posts/global/loop-item.php draven/framework/configs/options/general.php draven/framework/classes/class-admin.php draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/assets/js/app.js draven/assets/js/app.min.js draven/style.css ------------ Version 1.0.3 [January 24, 2019] ----------- ^ Added 03 demo pages ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor ^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder ^ Update version of Demo Import Data ------------ Version 1.0.2 [January 22, 2019] ------------ ^ Update version of LaStudio Elements For Elementor to compatibility with Elementor 2.4.3 ^ Update version of LA-Studio Header Builder ==> # Fixed HTML error duplicated ID ==> # Fixed Cart icon can't be clicked on mobile ==> # Fixed Login element ==> # Fixed header vertical style File changes draven/framework/classes/class-layout.php draven/framework/functions/extra-functions.php draven/lastudio-elements/lastudio-team-member/global/loop-item.php draven/woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php draven/plugins/plugins.php draven/plugins/ draven/plugins/ draven/assets/js/app.js draven/assets/js/app.min.js draven/style.css ------------ Version 1.0 Release [Jan 04, 2019] ------------ * Release Initial release
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